Italy v US election for dummies: where to rig elections is more time consuming by far

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Italy v US election for dummies: where to rig elections is more time consuming by far

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

Italy election for dummies: where rigging elections is by far more time consuming

Dems v Reps theater: Italy v USA

Berlusconi's The People of Freedom plays the role of the US Republican Party or Reps.

Bersani's Democratic Party plays the role of the US Democratic Party or Dems, as voters no longer buy prime-minister Monti, the previous actor.

Italian replicas of Dems and Reps get less and less support, with each new election.

The first trick is to have a number of other "parties" in the coalition role with Dems and Reps.

Dems and Reps occupy 100% of the TV time in the USA while their italian replicas "only" occupy 80% of the time.

The rest of the TV time is reserved for the illuminati parties in the "coalition" and "far left" roles.

Italy dramatic illuminati end times reduction of supporters of official illuminati parties

Support for italian Dems and Reps coalitions as well as for the illuminati creations playing "far left" has now reached dramatic lows.

They no longer afford to stage final election rallies outdoors.

Less than 3,000 (illuminati and people whose job depends on the party, the so called apparatchiks) attended the final rallies.

This as the new Five Star Movement (M5S) grows in two years from less than 2% in the 2010 elections to 40% in real polls.

On 22 February 2013, a crowd of 800,000 people attented the last meeting of Beppe Grillo before the election, in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome (1).

Getting "correct" results: first step: change electoral law

Voting machines were not yet introduced in large scale.

The first trick to get the "correct" results was a 2005 electoral law that makes it possible for the winner party to convert one third of the popular vote into two thirds of the parliament seats.

When the illuminati ntroduced this law they did not foresaw the emergence of M5S: the winner party automatically gets an extra one thid of the seats only in the Parliament not in the Senate, although both are required to pass a law.

Italy: where rigging elections is by far more time consuming in Illuminatziland

The second trick to get the "correct" results is rigging the results of the popular vote, casted not in one but two days.

Overnight the contents of the ballot boxes is "corrected".

How many ballot boxes must be changed depends on the previous real polls that are of course kept secret.

Manufactured polls published in illuminati media give the M5S 15% less and the party in the winner role (in this case the Dems) 10% more than the real numbers.

So to switch more than one third of the seats it was as easy as to replace the ballots in a few thousand key ballot boxes overnight.

In this case switching each time the winner from the M5S party to Berlusconi's Reps in some cases (where the Dems had no chance) and to Bersani's Dems in most of the cases.

This is done exclusively at large voting sites, where there are dozens of ballot boxes at the same building.

So a gang of less than 200 people is all it takes to do it.

Italy v USA: Italy has the higher for rigging elections in Illuminatziland

To rig the Italian elections it only took a gang of 200 people for a few hours in one night plus the work of previously filling the paper ballots that were replaced in the boxes.

Yet it is by far the most time consuming fraud among all techniques used by the illumianti to rig elections.

Contrast the amount of people and time required to previously fill the votes and the overnight work to open the ballots, replace the contents, seal again the ballots ... (2)

with ONE programmer and a FEW clicks to change the code of the software to "count" the "votes" (3).

That was the cost to multiply votes of McCain in 2008 and of "Romney" 2012 by 11 and votes of "Obama" by 0.7 in 2008 and 1.6 in 2012, to implement the last two "head to head race" scripts.

Limitation of the overnight method to rig elections

The limitation of the overnight rigging method is illustrated by the fact that reducing the M5S votes from 40% to 26% was not enough to prevent an unprecented event in Illuminatziland in the last 4 decades.

M5S, a party with a non-illuminati leader, still got 26% of the popular vote, below 29% and 28% for the coalitions of Dems and of Reps.

But it was the most voted party.


(1) ...

(2) Talk of faked papers and election basics:

Poster replies to "Dorner doesn't EXIST, photoshop based on LL COOL J" :

This mans life [Dorner] and both careers at the LAPD and the Navy have huge paper trails as well as his cases against the LAPD.

Here some of the LAPD case file from 2007:

Christopher Dorner v. LAPD Case File | LeakSource

Last Prophet replies:

You only will waste your time clicking the link if you are a beast brainwashed by the illuminati into forgetting when PAPER TRAILS DO make the difference.

And even in that case only if it is examined by representatives of all parties after the ballot boxes close and are immediately reopened for counting.

Source: google

"HEY BEASTS: STOP clicking Manhunt threads: Dorner doesn't EXIST, photoshop based on LL COOL J"

HEY BEASTS: STOP clicking Manhunt threads: Dorner doesn't EXIST, photoshop based on LL COOL J

(3) Talk of real polls crediting Italy's Five Star Movement (M5S) with 40% and "Romney" and McCain with 5%, YOU can test it: ... s-jus.html
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