Holy Histrionics, Batman!

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Holy Histrionics, Batman!

Post by Accountable »

I think most politicians suffer from Histrionic Personality Disorder. This description fits them so well, I think:

http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditio ... y-disorder

Let's use this thread to record all the latest histrionics coming out of the various capitol buildings, parliaments, etc worldwide.

From WMDs, to fiscal cliffs, to global warming - erm - climate change, to assault weapons, we all know that all "sides" use hyperbole and histrionics to get the public stirred up, especially when the truth is just too boring, so this is an international non-partisan thread.
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Holy Histrionics, Batman!

Post by Accountable »

This month, the TSA announced that starting April 25, it will allow passengers to bring small knives with non-locking blades shorter than 2.36 inches and less than half an inch in width, small novelty bats, ski poles, hockey and lacrosse sticks, billiard cues and up to two golf clubs onto a plane. The move is intended to allow security screeners to “better focus their efforts on finding higher threat items such as explosives,” according to the agency.

But an explosion is what the agency got.

The loudest came from the Flight Attendants Union Coalition, which represents nearly 90,000 airline crew members. Shortly after the announcement, it launched an online petition to persuade the TSA to reverse course.The Navigator: A sharp reaction to the TSA allowing knives on board - The Washington Post

The size knife that is causing such panic: knives that fit specific measurements, such as a length of no more than 2.36 inches (roughly the length of a standard sugar packet)
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Holy Histrionics, Batman!

Post by Accountable »

As [US Defense Secretary] Hagel prepared to leave a U.S. military compound in Kabul on March 9, a Taliban suicide bomber blew himself up outside the Ministry of Defense, and another suicide bomb detonated in Khost province. Yesterday, Karzai said that those attacks, which together killed 19 people, aided U.S. goals. A joint Hagel-Karzai press conference at the presidential palace was canceled for what Pentagon officials said were security reasons.

While the Taliban said the attacks were aimed at sending a message to Hagel that the insurgents remain a powerful force, Karzai said in a speech yesterday that the U.S. is holding peace talks with the radical Islamists and the bombs were in the “service of America.”Karzai Accuses U.S. of Taliban Collusion as Hagel Visits - Bloomberg

So now the suicide bombers are helping us??
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tude dog
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Holy Histrionics, Batman!

Post by tude dog »

GM food

Developing countries top in growth of GM crops, says report

More land in developing countries is under genetically modified crops compared to industrialised countries for the first time since the introduction of the technology two decades ago, a new report shows.

http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Deve ... index.html

I find interesting is that countries with hungry people doesn't seem to be an issue.
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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