UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by gmc »

UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use - Telegraph

As expected the US and UK think it was assad.

If Assad goes then the likelihood is it will be a fundamentalist sunni regime that takes it's place. Saudi Arabis is going to be the most powerful muslim nation in the gulf ready to go to war against a shia Iran. It's unbelievable that in the 21st century we are getting drawn in to a religious war but that is what is happening - Sunni and jews ganging up on a rival islamic sect. You couldn't;t make it up could you?
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

The Arab nations want to go to war with Iran? really? seriously?

BTW you forgot to mention the rebel atrocities of the 18 women and children in one house. Mutilated they were.

funny how if the US doesn't like you you're an 'insurgent' but if you serve a purpose suddenly you're 'rebels' and 'freedom fighters'. I have a feeling someone is being set up to fail . Israel has lobbed two explosives over into the Damascus. Lebonon is about to send fighters. and it goes on and on and on whilst 'those who must be obeyed' and don't like any criticizism watch on rubbing their greedy little hands together.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by Scrat »

I don't know if you can call this a religious war in truth. It's a war for power with religion as a catalyst which is not uncommon, the powers that be are simply using religion to motivate the gullible into the fight at least on the Sunni side of it. Then you have the Shi'tes, Alawites and other minorities who are simply fighting to keep their secular ways.

The US wants even more control in the ME, so does Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain. With Iran subdued there will be much more to gain. Lebanon (the government) will not get involved, that would be civil war. Hezbollah however is involved, they handed the FSA their hats about a month ago in an offensive that cost the rebels reportedly 500 dead in just 3 hours. there have been other engagements in which the FSA got waxed on a smaller scale.

A recent development.

Russia & US to pressure both sides in Syria to find peace deal - Lavrov - YouTube

If I were Putin I'd start sending large amounts of weapons to Iran and Russias other allies in the region, the US will not stop. Nothing Kerry says can be taken seriously. I laughed when I saw this.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by gmc »

Religion has always been used as a tool to control people. What I find depressing is the West seems to think they are actually in control of the end game I don't think they have a clue and can't see beyond narrow economic interests.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by Scrat »

I think they do have a clue, warfare is a very profitable endeavor. Terror is an excellent money maker also, look at what has been spent on security in your country and in America. Individuals, companies and corporations are making billions. A lot of the weapons the FSA is using are coming from Croatia, remember that victim of the oppressive Yugoslavia of the '90s? The end game is in a way of little importance in the short term, perpetual warfare is more profitable.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by gmc »

In our mainstream media that the UN suspects the rebels (they are reporting investigators are going in) may have used them gets little mention as do israeli air strikes and almost no criticsim about israel. We're taking sides in a religious war betweem islamic sects. It's daft, would be better if we kept out of it.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by Accountable »

Scrat;1426479 wrote: I think they do have a clue, warfare is a very profitable endeavor. Terror is an excellent money maker also, look at what has been spent on security in your country and in America. Individuals, companies and corporations are making billions. A lot of the weapons the FSA is using are coming from Croatia, remember that victim of the oppressive Yugoslavia of the '90s? The end game is in a way of little importance in the short term, perpetual warfare is more profitable.Yup. It's our post-depression jobs program. Daddy Bush & Clinton tried to dismantle it after the Cold War evaporated, but the military industry is an economic powerhouse.
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UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Scrat;1426479 wrote: I think they do have a clue, warfare is a very profitable endeavor. Terror is an excellent money maker also, look at what has been spent on security in your country and in America. Individuals, companies and corporations are making billions. A lot of the weapons the FSA is using are coming from Croatia, remember that victim of the oppressive Yugoslavia of the '90s? The end game is in a way of little importance in the short term, perpetual warfare is more profitable.

So true.
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