brexit jokes

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brexit jokes

Post by gmc »

no not nigel farage and bors johnson

16 Brexit Christmas cracker jokes that will make or break your Xmas lunch - European Culture - The New European

my favourite

Why was the UKIP nativity play cancelled?

They couldn’t find three wise men

Why doesn’t Father Christmas vote UKIP?

He’s not irrationally worried about living close to a Pole

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brexit jokes

Post by Clodhopper »

At last I've found something - anything - positive about brexit.
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brexit jokes

Post by LarsMac »

I was listening to a program on our public radio this weekend where they were discussing Brexit.

They were interviewing fishermen who believe that Brexit will be great for the British fishing.

They say that British fishers are limited to 10% of the take from some of the prime British fishing waters, while France and other EU members take the other 90%.

They think that Brexit will allow Britain to recover access to their fishing grounds.

My first question, though, was: To whom will they sell all the fish?
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brexit jokes

Post by Clodhopper »

They lied.
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brexit jokes

Post by LarsMac »

Clodhopper;1514801 wrote: They lied.

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- DH Lawrence
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brexit jokes

Post by Clodhopper »

I am so tired. Tomorrow.
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brexit jokes

Post by Clodhopper »

Ok, a week later because I'd forgotten this.

The Fishermen never seem to get that they don't have an automatic right to all the areas they currently have, and that moreover quotas are set to conserve fish stocks which have been badly depleted. If we withdraw and fish more inside our now smaller waters (some areas we have traditionally fished are actually Dutch or French and if we shut them out of UK waters they have traditionally fished you can bet they will do likewise) it will also make overfishing much more likely to happen.

In addition Danish fishermen have demanded that their existing rights to fish in UK waters be guaranteed as part of any UK/EU deal. I doubt they'll be the last.

Really, the big lie is Farage saying leaving the EU will sort our fishing problems largely because the EU isn't the problem, low fish stocks is the problem. Farage and Johnson just lied about the cause. I expect that after we leave they'd get a few years of huge catches then a crash in stocks and wipeout of the industry, as happened to the Newfoundland Cod fishery.
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brexit jokes

Post by gmc »

They also forget it was the tories that used our fishing grounds as a bargaining chip to get in to the eu in the first place it's not the eu that sold them down the river it was westminster Overfishing is something that has happened several times in the past.
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brexit jokes

Post by Clodhopper »

gmc;1515204 wrote: They also forget it was the tories that used our fishing grounds as a bargaining chip to get in to the eu in the first place it's not the eu that sold them down the river it was westminster Overfishing is something that has happened several times in the past.

Didn't know that. I was a little too young to be making notes at the time, though I do remember it.

Overfishing has been happening and people move on to other stocks... Thing is, we've depleted pretty much everything is my understanding, and if you don't handle it very carefully you can wipe out the stock completely. Wasn't there a whole West Coast of Scotland industry based on Herring in the C19th? Where is it now? There was a huge Newfoundland Cod fishery until the mid C20th and then in no more than 2 or 3 years the Cod vanished completely.

Given our government's apparent incompetence to date what chance that current fisheries are sensibly managed?

NB I'm going on what I remember and think I know. This isn't researched and I could be wrong in whole or in part.
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