Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

So everyone knows here I'm going through a divorce... Next hearing is about finances . (shrugs)

So let me tell you about my week. Had to go to court on Monday .....no worries. I turn up to court and see a friend and stick like glue to her for the duration of being there because I was by myself. Then I spot him . I'm thinking hmmm she must be his solicitor or something . And seated on the other side of him is his mate and housemate.

Then it all started. I didn't go into court it was just particulars being ironed out and I was to come back the next day . Had a conference with my solicitor and went home.

Guess what he did? Got the matter adjourned................Which is okay, I was fine with that. But guess where he got it adjourned to ? His old workplace (he used to be a prosecutor at this particular court) So, is this getting a matter moved to a comfort zone or is it a continuation of intimidation on his behalf toward me?

Our entire marriage has been where I'm living now ....I now have to travel over 200 km to his old work place. Could it be he doesn't want anyone around this area to hear my allegations? The Monday hearing was half way between the two of us ...would have worked well but no.

On Wednesday I was given the papers of his return allegations . At first I was in shock because I couldn't believe what was written in them...then that turned into laughter . I thought ..My god the man must actually be insane or he is desperate. Either way, it doesn't matter it will all come out in the wash. No matter where it's heard.

Oh and he has managed to reduce his child support payments. And he (I think it's his fourth change in the status of access now), never wants to see the boys on Christmas day or New Years Eve ever again ...What a nice fella. The boys are hurt by it, but I'll let it go for now.

Oh, back to the Monday court thingy. The woman wasn't his solicitor ...it was his new girlfriend. That was a bit of a shock (that he had one) But it turned out to be rather humorous. How do I know it was his girlfriend? :D:D:D Because those two were the only ones in the whole court precinct that were snogging each other. At first I thought ...Holy cow What is he doing? Because i remember what he used to think of any fraternisation near courts when he was a prosecutor. And here he is actually doing it .....I mentioned it to my solicitor and I said "Who brings their new squeeze to a family court mater?" He said that in his opinion it's the height of immaturity But lets face it, I agree with their actions, there should be a lot more loving around dreary old courts.

But seriously, I thought I would be jealous or hurt seeing him kiss another woman................I wasn't . It did surprise me but it was kind of free-ing in a way . I suddenly felt the world lift off my shoulders because it was always a thought "Does he have a better model?" or " should I be moving on myself?" You know, all those types of female thoughts. Well I got my answer on Monday, and I'm glad for him. In fact I'm estatic....It's good to know I don't have to worry about my actions now . I'm free to do and think and love who and whatever I want. I've been so stressed an depressed about it all but after Monday it's a whole different story . I can't explain exactly what happened but .........I"M FREE! IT"S ALL OVER!! Now he is just a man in the street (that unfortunetly my children have to have contact with, and even that's turned out by his own needs ...very little contact)

After awhile he kept passing me in the court and his girlfriend had to pass me to go to the loo. I think they were setting me up, you know coming too close in the hope I'd say something to them . ......He is the King of set ups. And I think he was wanting me to follow him outside to confront him . I didn't ...I looked them both straight in the eye and smiled. It's weird, he doesn't intimidate me anymore. And neither do his friends. I actually said to the people I was standing with . "I don't believe I was afraid of 'that'. (meaning him ) I've known this man for over twenty years now..........twenty years wasted. I don't know what has happened to me this week but I feel different ..better. All the anger is gone, the regrets are gone and so is the feeling I have to keep watching what I say and do. I really am........... free. :):):):):)

I wanted to move on and date before this but when I tried it never felt right .....You know that "I still feel married" feeling? But that is gone now.

So I can Date freely now ...........Anyone?

Oh it was funny at one point on Monday The girl I was sitting with, just out of the blue says ...."I think i'm going to turn lesbian" I said "Really? do you want my number?" We both laughed then I got up to put something in the bin and accidently knocked her foot. We started to laugh and she said ....."I wasn't serious, look mum she's already playing footsies with me".....We both just cracked up laughing more and her mum was telling us to shush. :wah::wah::wah:

For all the day was ............I had a smile on my face when I drove home, and still do. I think I'm happy again.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Betty Boop »

Freedom is a wonderful thing. Now you do everything in your power to ensure that you don't fall for the same type again! :):-4
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Post by binbag »

Eleanor Roosevelt once said....

"You need to face your fear"........
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along".

I think you've just proved that to yourself fuzzywuzzy.

Your post is an excellent read filled with heartfelt words. You've turned over the page to a new chapter in your life; I wish all the very best of happiness for the future.

[FONT=Arial]Just above the clouds

the sun is always shining.

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Post by along-for-the-ride »

:) I am happy for ya, fuzzy,

I, too, was divorced after 20 years of marriage. That was around 15 years ago. My ex has since remarried, divorced her, and has had several "ladyfriends".( I was my ex's 2nd wife by the way...he was divorced when I met him). I have been in only one relationship.....and happily so....Hubby and I have been married for 13 years.

I've always thought that the "easy way out" would have been to just stay married, no matter how unhappy you are. Divorce is a hard step to take, to change your life and that of your children. You hope your lives will change for the better, and it usually does. It just takes time, faith, hope and love, and ..........a sense of humor. :)
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

not gonna happen Betty . I almost did but I've learnt what the counsellors at the time warned me about ..."Watch out for men who feel a little bit 'tooooo' sorry for you " They are predators. :)
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Binbag they are extremely inspiring words. Thank you, I'll write them down.

AFTR. It's been two years since I walked out with the kids and only a few things to my name. Apart from a short time when I was not in a right state of mind I went back . It was awful and I knew I'd made the worng decision. But now it's come to a head and I'm okay with it .......Two years is a long time to be in a state of "what if's" and "if only's" . I'm good with it now though . The kids have an enviable life where we live ...it's a bit of a strain for myself but if they are happy I'm happy and they are old enough to understand what's going on . They are hurt for sure, but it will be okay for them. Time will heal them.

Four chapters of my life done and delt with ......up to chapter 5 now.
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Post by Odie »

Insecure people bring their girlfriends to court.

you've risen above him in a thousand ways over.

keep the faith and keep smiling!:-4
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Ahhh I love your little Jackaroo Odes' He's cute!!!

Only happy talk from here on end, and updates of my life that are positive. I'm aware that he is trolling the internet for any info . So i won't be discussing any of the proceedings until after it's all finshed and done with.

My head has been swimming over the last couple of years but there's something about that sense of peace that is so overwhelming after the fog is gone that I can't explain it. I've only just began seeking counselling recently and it's put everything into perspective. (should have done it ages ago, And it wasn't about the marital situation that I went but ended up being so. ) i was told I should never have been put in a position to make any life changing desicions at the time of the fires or directly afterwards. But you know how you know and you agree but at the time it's like you don't really know what's happening? Over the last two years I havent been able to paint or sew or get on with things ...counsellor said well that's understandable ...join the club. ......Ahhh it's complicated. But anyway ,all the anger is gone and I'm happy to never see the man again, but if I have to? .......Well Monday was the big test and I was fine with it ..

So roll on life . Whether he is insecure or not doesn't really matter because what he did helped me, not discourage me. What was sending my head into a spin was all the games he was playing ....he can't play them anymore . :) It's all out in the open. I grin when I think of it. :)
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Anyway I have to get all this computer nonsence worked out I have two stupid things to contend with now instead of one. I've called someone in to just go for their lives and fix it all. I know nothing about this stuff.

Actually does anyone know how to fix a printer that won't print straight from the net? It will print anything in word but not off the internet . Can't find the problem . The printer came with a CD but this PC doesn't have any CD drive thingys. I downloaded a driver off the net and it began printing Word docs but I can't get anything else out of it.:-5:-5:-5
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Brett and I have another Physio appointment on Friday. It was so funny last week when the guy was adjusting some muscle Brett had damaged at football ((oh I have to have you guys read something too)) The physio is asking him if it hurt (knowing it was)and Brett said "nope, I'm just looking up at your Certicates and Credentials".....Then he stops talking and Brett then continues ..."Wondering if they are real" ......I almost fell off my Chair!!!! The physio laughes and said ..."Never say things like that when a man has his hands around your neck". God it was Funny!!!!

OH and this is the write up in the paper for Brett who has just finished his season of Footy

"BRET****** played a superb game and his football has gone forward in leaps and bounds over the second half of the year.

His determination and positive attitude, not to mention his skill and strength mark him as a player of the future." :)

I bought the paper and I was at the petrol station waiting for our fish n chips and a sense of something came over me. And I almost became all teary......I think it was Pride. All those early Saturday mornings and mid week training sessions and so forth have paid off. He's stopped growing for the time being (thank god!!! he's 6'2 and only 15) So that means his body will begin bulking up now and the boy body will turn into the man over the next year. At two clubs they are asking if I'll allow him to play seniors now. WE shall see. :) The presentations and vote count is coming up shortly ...will be a good night out and fun too. YAY !!! Bretty!!!
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1329569 wrote: Ahhh I love your little Jackaroo Odes' He's cute!!!

Only happy talk from here on end, and updates of my life that are positive. I'm aware that he is trolling the internet for any info . So i won't be discussing any of the proceedings until after it's all finshed and done with.

My head has been swimming over the last couple of years but there's something about that sense of peace that is so overwhelming after the fog is gone that I can't explain it. I've only just began seeking counselling recently and it's put everything into perspective. (should have done it ages ago, And it wasn't about the marital situation that I went but ended up being so. ) i was told I should never have been put in a position to make any life changing desicions at the time of the fires or directly afterwards. But you know how you know and you agree but at the time it's like you don't really know what's happening? Over the last two years I havent been able to paint or sew or get on with things ...counsellor said well that's understandable ...join the club. ......Ahhh it's complicated. But anyway ,all the anger is gone and I'm happy to never see the man again, but if I have to? .......Well Monday was the big test and I was fine with it ..

So roll on life . Whether he is insecure or not doesn't really matter because what he did helped me, not discourage me. What was sending my head into a spin was all the games he was playing ....he can't play them anymore . :) It's all out in the open. I grin when I think of it. :)

why, thank you ma'am!:yh_rotfl

I know just how much you've been through my friend as don't forget we also talk a lot on fb.

So glad you have also started councelling, as I told you on fb....I myself went through many phases during my separation I never thought possible....its normal when you care for that someone and it can take anywhere from 2-5 years to get over everything.

and we do put ourselves through complicated situations when we shouldn't, but now you know what to do and what to expect..just like I do.

immature or not......he was playing games and always has been, but it took last week for you to raise your head high and realise what an idiot he is.

who needs them? we don't, let some other fool have them.:yh_rotfl
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Post by JacksDad »

You rock Mags.

I knew you were having a rough time. And you did it right.

You will be fine.

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Thanks Odes!!!! you know, that I know, you know, I know:yh_rotfl

I hope so JD . LUV ya mate.

OH and guys? I ****ed up today. I've been so consumed with getting things ready for court and having all this stuff this week that I forgot my best friends birthday....It's today !!!!!!. I couldn't figure out what the heck he was on about all week thinking ,,,,,will you stop playing mind games with me and tell me what's wrong..............OH **** !!!!!...about two hours ago I worked it out looking at the calendar.......OH GOD!!!!!

SO ...there are three cakes in the oven at the moment so I can make a multilayered tiered cake with lots of chocolate and such.....

I feel so bad !!!!! This person doesn't deserve me forgetting . OH god !!!

He kept telling me how his boy was coming over today and I couldn't figure out why, and then he said we should come over tonight and stay cause it will be a good night . but the boys have been sick with flu and all that's happened this week ...........AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I'ts okay!!! all's good, I will get there, I can pull stuff out of my arse if I have to .......and in this case ...I want to . I owe this individual Big time! if it wasn't for him the boys and I would be up the proverbial creek. How could I possibly forgotten?:(:(:(:(
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Clodhopper »

Very glad to hear things are getting better for you. :)
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1329580 wrote: Thanks Odes!!!! you know, that I know, you know, I know:yh_rotfl

I hope so JD . LUV ya mate.

OH and guys? I ****ed up today. I've been so consumed with getting things ready for court and having all this stuff this week that I forgot my best friends birthday....It's today !!!!!!. I couldn't figure out what the heck he was on about all week thinking ,,,,,will you stop playing mind games with me and tell me what's wrong..............OH **** !!!!!...about two hours ago I worked it out looking at the calendar.......OH GOD!!!!!

SO ...there are three cakes in the oven at the moment so I can make a multilayered tiered cake with lots of chocolate and such.....

I feel so bad !!!!! This person doesn't deserve me forgetting . OH god !!!

He kept telling me how his boy was coming over today and I couldn't figure out why, and then he said we should come over tonight and stay cause it will be a good night . but the boys have been sick with flu and all that's happened this week ...........AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I'ts okay!!! all's good, I will get there, I can pull stuff out of my arse if I have to .......and in this case ...I want to . I owe this individual Big time! if it wasn't for him the boys and I would be up the proverbial creek. How could I possibly forgotten?:(:(:(:(

I know that you know I know! hehe!

You've had alot on your mind this week......he will understand.......

I think I will buy you a calendar for Christmas.......(why are there no icons here? I need my tech guy now!)

I'm sorry the boys have the flu Megan, hope they feel better soon!

what time is that cake ready? LOL!
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

See? if you don't laugh you'll cry . My car blew up last night. And this is exactly why I can't travel far in the damn thing. smoke was pouring out from everywhere. My mechanic is picking it up for me today .......I really didn't need this right now.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1329726 wrote: See? if you don't laugh you'll cry . My car blew up last night. And this is exactly why I can't travel far in the damn thing. smoke was pouring out from everywhere. My mechanic is picking it up for me today .......I really didn't need this right now.

omg.....just when everything was starting to look up for you.

it sounds like it might be your radiator....let me know how it turns out.

Here's Bruce to comfort you.:yh_rotfl

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Nah radiators fine The smoke was coming from the exhaust . God I hope it's not the head. I'll spit!!! I've only just paid off the last bill for him that was over $600.

I topped the oil up only last week ......GGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! The phone call was funny though ....."Hi Fred it's megan (yes we're on a first name basis these days ) ...how's your day going?" He knew straight away. "Megan megan megan, what did that car ever do to you?" i told him he has the list of repairs ...that's what it's done.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1329794 wrote: Nah radiators fine The smoke was coming from the exhaust . God I hope it's not the head. I'll spit!!! I've only just paid off the last bill for him that was over $600.

I topped the oil up only last week ......GGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! The phone call was funny though ....."Hi Fred it's megan (yes we're on a first name basis these days ) ...how's your day going?" He knew straight away. "Megan megan megan, what did that car ever do to you?" i told him he has the list of repairs ...that's what it's done.

oh isn't that special, you paid off his bill.:rolleyes:

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed hoping its nothing expensive.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

why would you lie to a Federal magistrates court knowing that the applicant can prove you are lying? Why would you do that? Does he really think I'm so damn stupid? 'Stressed', 'hurt' and 'under the thumb' doesn't always equate to stupidity. Not when you've suddenly seen the light.

I've been thinking over the past couple of days. I honestly believe, he still believes he can still fuddle me . When is he going to catch on? ...........This is crazy. I'm at the point of feeling sorry for him.

ahhhhh I won't feel sorry for him ....I won't I won't I won't.

He included things I said on facebook ..............God I want that stuff brought up in court . please please please bring it up .......lets discuss that shall we?

apparently I never contributed to the household or finances .....Oh please bring that up ........I'm actually beginning to look forward to this ..........And I want all his family and friends there to listen. OMG the rot he has stipulated is sinking in and my memory and those of others is coming back tenfold. He's forgotten just how small this town is .

And reading through his affidavit......You suddenly realise what this supposed loving husband thought of you all along . Wow wake up call big time ......to read that you are nothing of worth for the last twenty or so years is amazing. At first I was beside myself ...now Bring it on dirtbag. You are not my biographer!!!!!

Have any of you ever been backed into a corner and all of the sudden you know exactly what's going on and how easy it is to fight it? And all you need is the truth . But not My interpretation of the truth but official documents and as I said forums make extremely good diaries .... I think he honestly believes he can use his old tricks to manipulate me. My god, some things are just too funny. Two court dates and I'm soooo ready for both.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Odie;1329831 wrote: oh isn't that special, you paid off his bill.:rolleyes:

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed hoping its nothing expensive.

I've rung him ...no reply ....Uh oh ......This ain't good.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

The boys are over their flu's kind of, and back at school to day ....Iv'e had to have somone else pick them up to take them to their bus stop and bring them home again this couldn't have happenend at a worst time . Keehan has a second audition tonight and Brett has Cadets tomorrow night and I have to go to Sale twice tomoz.ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

i think I'll go turn the vege garden over it might calm me.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330160 wrote: I've rung him ...no reply ....Uh oh ......This ain't good.

he was just probably busy.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330165 wrote: The boys are over their flu's kind of, and back at school to day ....Iv'e had to have somone else pick them up to take them to their bus stop and bring them home again this couldn't have happenend at a worst time . Keehan has a second audition tonight and Brett has Cadets tomorrow night and I have to go to Sale twice tomoz.ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

i think I'll go turn the vege garden over it might calm me.

Oh wonderful! So glad they are finally feeling better!

wish Keehan good luck from Odie!:guitarist

I remember my brother was in Cadets, it will be a great learning experince for Brett!:guitarist
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Yeah he's off to Pucka in a couple of weeks ...The ex demanded him and Keehan on a particular date (date that Brett is off to Puckapunyal) but he stopped all communication even in relation to the boys so I can't tell him he'll be going to the pick up point and there will be no boys to collect ......oh well.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Odie;1330183 wrote: he was just probably busy.

hoping he was busy with my car. GGGRRRR!!!!!
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330197 wrote: Yeah he's off to Pucka in a couple of weeks ...The ex demanded him and Keehan on a particular date (date that Brett is off to Puckapunyal) but he stopped all communication even in relation to the boys so I can't tell him he'll be going to the pick up point and there will be no boys to collect ......oh well.

good grief!:-5
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330198 wrote: hoping he was busy with my car. GGGRRRR!!!!!

call him again.
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Oh we are all a buzz here !!!!! He got one of the principles and actually is first on stage and narrates it for the first scene. Hectic couple of months coming up . I'm so excited for him, especially dragging himself down there for auditions when he is still getting over the flu .

Oh the play is "Brassed Off" being put on by the Sale theatre company.

It's about a Yorkshire town who is losing it's coal mine and therefore the coal mines brass band.

Now to work on his Yorkshire accent.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330321 wrote: KEEHAN GOT THE PART.

Oh we are all a buzz here !!!!! He got one of the principles and actually is first on stage and narrates it for the first scene. Hectic couple of months coming up . I'm so excited for him, especially dragging himself down there for auditions when he is still getting over the flu .

Oh the play is "Brassed Off" being put on by the Sale theatre company.

It's about a Yorkshire town who is losing it's coal mine and therefore the coal mines brass band.

Now to work on his Yorkshire accent.

That's fabulous!

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looks like it's the cylinder head ...oh goody goody gum drops..............<---------Yes that was sarcasm.:-5:-5:-5:-5:-5
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Post by Betty Boop »

fuzzywuzzy;1330482 wrote: looks like it's the cylinder head ...oh goody goody gum drops..............

Yikes!! Ouch, hope it doesn't work out too costly for you.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

i"m extremely lucky I live in a small town sort of area . Everyone knows what's going on ...and my mechanic was almost apologetic. he'll wait for payment ..didn't know he was a good bloke until after the last bill ..I thanked him for waiting so long and he in turn thanked me for not dipping out . All's cool. He understands . nice eh? He has always picked my car up when it's gone down as long as I don't ask him to travel 100 hundred miles away to do so .

hhhhmmmm some things are a blessing. Some people are a blessing.:) I don't know how it happens but people look after me these days. I'm lucky .
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Post by kazalala »

fuzzywuzzy;1330321 wrote: KEEHAN GOT THE PART.

Oh we are all a buzz here !!!!! He got one of the principles and actually is first on stage and narrates it for the first scene. Hectic couple of months coming up . I'm so excited for him, especially dragging himself down there for auditions when he is still getting over the flu .

Oh the play is "Brassed Off" being put on by the Sale theatre company.

It's about a Yorkshire town who is losing it's coal mine and therefore the coal mines brass band.

Now to work on his Yorkshire accent.

ohhh ye i have heard of that!!! well done to Keehan i hope he enjoys it:D

Sorry bout ye car,,:-3


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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

OH no it's good all round Bretts off to army cadets tonight compliments of a friend willing to hang around Sale for 2 and half hours and Keehan is beside himself ...and you know? I watched the director work with him and only after five minutes Keehan got it ...I'm like Wow !!!! is this my own kid? It really was cool to watch. but the director talking to me said "I want him ...he's a natural" ........parental pride aside ......honestly his drama teacher said he should be in a theatre company and his teachers have always known he'd be something special ......they just didn't know what . he's just printed out his latest writings ....good god !!!!. who ever thought I'd breed something spectacular. (grinning froim ear to ear here) three down threee to be proud of .....okay okay I"m thumbing ..but honestly it's nothing to do with me ...I just feed these little beings. that's what parenting is about ...give every opportunity and sit back and enjoy the ride. He's even been practicing his flute a lot lately ...not sure what all that is about (some teacher at school has got in his ear I suppose, but he's doing well.)
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

OH Kazza The car will live another couple of months ....I have a determined mechanic . I think it's a challenge for him. :wah:.........not.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

HA HA HA HA HA HA OH you gotta love it .....So what did you get up to tonight? "spent an hour in a ditch."

Yeah and ? ....................."spent an hour in a ditch"...............okay still giggling here. After his heart attack about getting his hair cut, it's all humour to me. He had Pizza for tea though lol lol

He's too tall for 15 ...looks like a man in his uniform .....very scary.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

okay I get a letter today saying that I have to provide a whole lot info by tommoz. This is just too much ........how? I"m on the phone to the salvoes today because not only have we no water but I can't even leave the property at will because I have no car to even get to the places that I"m supposed to get financial statements from.........my god! to my other halfs soli..this is just getting better and better . So apparently between 5 pm tonight and tommorow I'm to provide what they want . I can't even physically get to the places that they want because I have no car..And I'm not sure that they take internet print outs as legal info. what he heck am I supposed to do? i can't even get to my own soli let alone respond to his.

I don't care I"ve arranged for keehans rehearsals and bretts army cadets and football ...where was he in all this ..oh gee I forgot I wasn't allowed to ask about aour bloody finances so I get blocked from all communication..... I don't care anymore for this barstards bullshit . he couldn't give a **** because he knows his sons will be taken care of, he's happy in that knowledge .....he couldn't give an effing toss as long as he's alright . He's told so many lies . And he's painted me as a 'nutter' yet ...apparently I"m okay to look after his boys for the duration of their childhoods ...I dont' get it !!! why would you paint one picture and cause another ...I don't even have to say a thing to his boys .....he's losing them ...and it doesn't have to be this way. I"m gonna call his family because there's something they don't possibly know ..and it hurts the boys and I'm sure it will hurt his family...and now there is such a break between the two ...GOd what is this man doing ? What has he orchastrated? OH BTW ? He's already told me if I have anything to do with his family he'll take an intervention order out on me....YOu know what? for the boys I"m willing to risk it.!!!! I don't care anymore because to take that out on me is to stop my boy from having his firearms here. I've had a god damn nuff of his threats.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1330919 wrote: okay I get a letter today saying that I have to provide a whole lot info by tommoz. This is just too much ........how? I"m on the phone to the salvoes today because not only have we no water but I can't even leave the property at will because I have no car to even get to the places that I"m supposed to get financial statements from.........my god! to my other halfs soli..this is just getting better and better . So apparently between 5 pm tonight and tommorow I'm to provide what they want . I can't even physically get to the places that they want because I have no car..And I'm not sure that they take internet print outs as legal info. what he heck am I supposed to do? i can't even get to my own soli let alone respond to his.

I don't care I"ve arranged for keehans rehearsals and bretts army cadets and football ...where was he in all this ..oh gee I forgot I wasn't allowed to ask about aour bloody finances so I get blocked from all communication..... I don't care anymore for this barstards bullshit . he couldn't give a **** because he knows his sons will be taken care of, he's happy in that knowledge .....he couldn't give an effing toss as long as he's alright . He's told so many lies . And he's painted me as a 'nutter' yet ...apparently I"m okay to look after his boys for the duration of their childhoods ...I dont' get it !!! why would you paint one picture and cause another ...I don't even have to say a thing to his boys .....he's losing them ...and it doesn't have to be this way. I"m gonna call his family because there's something they don't possibly know ..and it hurts the boys and I'm sure it will hurt his family...and now there is such a break between the two ...GOd what is this man doing ? What has he orchastrated? OH BTW ? He's already told me if I have anything to do with his family he'll take an intervention order out on me....YOu know what? for the boys I"m willing to risk it.!!!! I don't care anymore because to take that out on me is to stop my boy from having his firearms here. I've had a god damn nuff of his threats.

I figured you had alot on your plate as Tek and myself are still waiting for you to answer our emails from yesterday and your inbox is full here.

Oh my, no water and no car sucks!:-5

and so many statements to get ready for court, phone your lawyer and see if they will accept printouts.....they should as they did with me.

don't risk botherig his parents....just not worth the hassle.

you take care babe.:-4

We'll talk when you have time.....no rush. xo
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

sorry pm box is empty now ............sorry about the above Just letting off steam. I still think The boys grandparents should know about wha the boys are up to though . It sucks that they don't know anything about their own grandchildren. I know they would be damn proud of Keehan especially his auntie and uncle who are actors.

Sorry just sick of it all.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Oscar Namechange »

fuzzywuzzy;1331032 wrote: sorry pm box is empty now ............sorry about the above Just letting off steam. I still think The boys grandparents should know about wha the boys are up to though . It sucks that they don't know anything about their own grandchildren. I know they would be damn proud of Keehan especially his auntie and uncle who are actors.

Sorry just sick of it all. You should be proud of yourself Megs... The boys will look back later In life and know that you gave them every possible opportunity available to them and not all parents do that. Just keep going and they will Thank You. :-6
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have to work out how to send this stuff through. I'm not sure about this bloody printer There's no Cd drive on this bloody thing he gave me . so I can't load the printer properly .

looks like kI'm getting a crash course in hardware today. and to top it all off I'm getting messages that Windows isn't genuine.........bloody typical spent a huge amount on this PC? ...my arse he did.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331032 wrote: sorry pm box is empty now ............sorry about the above Just letting off steam. I still think The boys grandparents should know about wha the boys are up to though . It sucks that they don't know anything about their own grandchildren. I know they would be damn proud of Keehan especially his auntie and uncle who are actors.

Sorry just sick of it all.

That's okay, I just pm'd you.

and no need to say sorry about the above, and as I said there, I'm just not sure if you should tell their grandparents after he said not to.

how far away do they live and why have they never met them?
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

They have met them . Did I write that wrong? I've decided the boys can ring them if they want to . So far over the last two years they havent wanted to ......I'll just keep out of it. I just think some things are sad . And him not wanting to see them on Christmas day and new years ever again just sucks because that's when families are supposed to be together . Oh well maybe he has a new family now . Hmmm I'm beginning to understand now what Wendy went through .

Meh let him have his new life I really don't care anymore, I'm just sad for the boys.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331111 wrote: They have met them . Did I write that wrong? I've decided the boys can ring them if they want to . So far over the last two years they havent wanted to ......I'll just keep out of it. I just think some things are sad . And him not wanting to see them on Christmas day and new years ever again just sucks because that's when families are supposed to be together . Oh well maybe he has a new family now . Hmmm I'm beginning to understand now what Wendy went through .

Meh let him have his new life I really don't care anymore, I'm just sad for the boys.

I can see why they haven't wanted to phone them when they don't see them often.

I think he's seeing his girlfriend now on those days, but, it shouldn't be official and according 'just to him'.....it should be rotated.

Don't let him have everything he wants.:-5
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Nah if you push him he's likely to make their lives miserable. And anyway **** is going to hit the fan once he finds out they are going to him these school holidays. I wonder if he's going to put in for Bretts army packs etc. it's going to cost a fortune. hmmm probably not he just had child support reduced for the next year. He's stopped all communication so what am I supposed to do?
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Oh and by the way? The car is going to cost me $600 and I just had to get water in ......another $300 .........I'm singing the song ----------NOW

I'm so happy oh so happy I feel wonderfully wonderfully free la la la la la lalaaaaa laaa
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Odie;1331115 wrote: I can see why they haven't wanted to phone them when they don't see them often.

I think he's seeing his girlfriend now on those days, but, it shouldn't be official and according 'just to him'.....it should be rotated.

Don't let him have everything he wants.:-5

Well he's her problem now. And like I said I feel sorry for her, he won't be able to keep up the charade forever. He was always a grump on Christmas day or our birthdays anyway . That's one of the reasons why it wasn't so hard to give them up when I changed religions He thought it was great (cost savings)......But we're even doing all that stuff again now .........it's peaceful now.

I don't think my solicitor is going to allow him to have half of what he wants .

I'm pretty sure they see them when he has access. hmmm they'll have to save all the goings on up until then I guess . I would have loved at least his sister to see the performances of Keehans play though. gosh that's in October it'll be upon us in no time at all. There are a lot of performances too. I may have to see if I can reant a house for the weekends in stratford. It's an awful long way to travel day after day.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I had some visitors today. Some women from St vincent de paul. It wasn't until they were leaving that I realised how damn long it had been since I had women in my home just for a cuppa tea. I think it was 2005? not sure. It's always been the ex's colleagues or his friends . Don't get me wrong I enjoyed their company, at least it WAS company. Despite what was written in his affidavit I'm happy in the knowledge that I was always hospitable to them even though the ex liked to paint me as the nutter/not quite right int he head crap. It was interesting one day how I found out how I was portrayed by him. I was talking to his sgt and I metioned something about he bridge I was advocating for, and he said Yeah I know **** said you were a bit different.......I was like huh? and then he told me wha the ex said .

Recently I was talking to his senior sgt . He said you know I was wrong about you . I'm very disappointed in him. he wouldn't elaborate but it got the message through to me at least.

Things have changed so much for me since he's been gone and it's been for the better. Yeah I know, some stuff is really hard and I havent coped as well as I did in the first year. But then the fires and him writing off the car and a huge amount of other things happening just has me a bit spent. I'm tired and I know it now. It's beginning to show on my face.

One of the ladies today said it all ......You cope and you get on with things and then bang! emotions and life and stress and everything just explodes in your face and you can't deal with it. Well that's been me for awhile now . It will get better soon . I'm just so angry . That man is just getting on with things and I've had to begin from scratch . I feel like i'm in my teens again trying to sort out the world and everything in it, but I ahve all these responsibilities to go with it.

After all this is over I refuse to be controlled by any man again . EVER!!!!! I'll go back to study and get on with things I'll never have the kind of money he does but that's okay I was never equal to him when I was married I didn't expect it after divorce.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331123 wrote: Oh and by the way? The car is going to cost me $600 and I just had to get water in ......another $300 .........I'm singing the song ----------NOW

I'm so happy oh so happy I feel wonderfully wonderfully free la la la la la lalaaaaa laaa

la la la la la, you do have bad luck my friend!:-5

fuzzywuzzy;1331125 wrote: Well he's her problem now. And like I said I feel sorry for her, he won't be able to keep up the charade forever. He was always a grump on Christmas day or our birthdays anyway . That's one of the reasons why it wasn't so hard to give them up when I changed religions He thought it was great (cost savings)......But we're even doing all that stuff again now .........it's peaceful now.

I don't think my solicitor is going to allow him to have half of what he wants .

I'm pretty sure they see them when he has access. hmmm they'll have to save all the goings on up until then I guess . I would have loved at least his sister to see the performances of Keehans play though. gosh that's in October it'll be upon us in no time at all. There are a lot of performances too. I may have to see if I can reant a house for the weekends in stratford. It's an awful long way to travel day after day.

It sounds like your lawyer won't give him everything he wants, far from it!

I've never met you and I'd like to see Keehan's play in October, save me a seat.:-6
Life is just to short for drama.
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