Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331130 wrote: I had some visitors today. Some women from St vincent de paul. It wasn't until they were leaving that I realised how damn long it had been since I had women in my home just for a cuppa tea. I think it was 2005? not sure. It's always been the ex's colleagues or his friends . Don't get me wrong I enjoyed their company, at least it WAS company. Despite what was written in his affidavit I'm happy in the knowledge that I was always hospitable to them even though the ex liked to paint me as the nutter/not quite right int he head crap. It was interesting one day how I found out how I was portrayed by him. I was talking to his sgt and I metioned something about he bridge I was advocating for, and he said Yeah I know **** said you were a bit different.......I was like huh? and then he told me wha the ex said .

Recently I was talking to his senior sgt . He said you know I was wrong about you . I'm very disappointed in him. he wouldn't elaborate but it got the message through to me at least.

Things have changed so much for me since he's been gone and it's been for the better. Yeah I know, some stuff is really hard and I havent coped as well as I did in the first year. But then the fires and him writing off the car and a huge amount of other things happening just has me a bit spent. I'm tired and I know it now. It's beginning to show on my face.

One of the ladies today said it all ......You cope and you get on with things and then bang! emotions and life and stress and everything just explodes in your face and you can't deal with it. Well that's been me for awhile now . It will get better soon . I'm just so angry . That man is just getting on with things and I've had to begin from scratch . I feel like i'm in my teens again trying to sort out the world and everything in it, but I ahve all these responsibilities to go with it.

After all this is over I refuse to be controlled by any man again . EVER!!!!! I'll go back to study and get on with things I'll never have the kind of money he does but that's okay I was never equal to him when I was married I didn't expect it after divorce.

It's good you had some visitors, women or men, it gives you some cheering up!

funnny NOW how his senior sgt. likes you.....it takes a while to really get to know some when you have been madmouthed.

there's a saying I like:

'I don't regret my past, I regret the time I've wasted on the wrong people.'

WOW, have I learned my lesson.:yh_wink

and, money isn't everything.....its who you are.
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Post by tektrek »

Odie;1331153 wrote: money isn't everything.....its who you are.

I totally agree Odie. When I was given the flick by my ex wife I had to start from scratch again (she got over 80% of everything as well as the house). I discovered that money isn't everything and I discovered that some of the best things in life are free and that money cannot buy them. So after 16 years I am now more worldly and the ex has ended up somewhat bitter and twisted after gold digging her way through numerous boyfriends and ending up with nothing and no one. Rather sad and pathetic but then some people can't be helped, only those with inner wisdom and beauty can be saved.
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Post by tektrek »

Odie;1331153 wrote: It's good you had some visitors, women or men, it gives you some cheering up!

I hope you still have a cuppa waiting for me Megs with plenty of refills. :yh_coffee Cheers!
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Post by Odie »

tektrek;1331200 wrote: I totally agree Odie. When I was given the flick by my ex wife I had to start from scratch again (she got over 80% of everything as well as the house). I discovered that money isn't everything and I discovered that some of the best things in life are free and that money cannot buy them. So after 16 years I am now more worldly and the ex has ended up somewhat bitter and twisted after gold digging her way through numerous boyfriends and ending up with nothing and no one. Rather sad and pathetic but then some people can't be helped, only those with inner wisdom and beauty can be saved.

It amazes me that wives seem to get everything and men are stuck with nothing.:-5

I'm happy for you Tek, you have come a long way...and to bad...so sad for her...she should have saved her money.......

some are pathetic and just cannot be helped.

tektrek;1331201 wrote: I hope you still have a cuppa waiting for me Megs with plenty of refills. :yh_coffee Cheers!

here's some coffee & brownies for all three of us.:-4

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

sorry guys but money is everything when you have children to look after

Ummm actually guys IT's the the person who has the custody of the children. The laws in Australia have changed since people I know got divorced and i can assure you my sisters ended up with a hell of a lot less than I will. We don't have "fault" here anymore and one thing that is good that has changed is the 'super' is split 50 50. The cook at the pub (without a lawyer) ended up with custody and absolutely nothing. If I had not have gotten a solicitor i would have ended up with nothing . WE have the option of mediation but.......but in a twist of sorts.......He wouldn't allow me any info on our finances, I wasn't even allowed to ask or he threatened stopping all communication but wanted me to go to mediation to mediate over finances. HOw does that work?:-5:-5:-5
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So anyway enough of that...............Just like to say I've shown my genius again!!!! I worked out this stupid technology (being the printer) YAY me!!!!

Stand back though everyone because this could get ugly.......I'm working out how to "scan" documents today. (play dum dum doooom music here)
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Post by chonsigirl »

That is sure perplexing for sure.

I'm glad you feel free to move on with your life, and what a great life it will be!
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

tektrek;1331201 wrote: I hope you still have a cuppa waiting for me Megs with plenty of refills. :yh_coffee Cheers!

Yep no worries matey. Have you got rain ? We won't be seeing anything of significance until tommorow . And I had no choice but to fill the tanks ..............so if we do get lots of rain I'll spit.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

chonsigirl;1331246 wrote: That is sure perplexing for sure.

I'm glad you feel free to move on with your life, and what a great life it will be!

You know what Chonsi? I'm lucky, because I'm getting help now. I just have to get past this next few months without having a mild meltdown and I'll be fine. But at least now I have help. Stupid me should have asked for it sooner would have saved a lot of angst. But now i can actually see into the future and it doesn't look too bad I haven't been able to do that in a long long time .............and I am thanking my ex and something he did, for that . Thank you ex i appreciate it
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Oh yes, the car..............Conversation on phone with mechanic.

"hi Fred.

"Hello megan


"Yep..................................................(starting to panic here)

"we'll have the parts by tomorrow

The head?

"No the cylinders


"what exactly is wrong with it

"Same problem as last time but I'm going to use a special glue this time I don't usually use it and don't like using it.

"why? does it do something to the car?

"No it's just a bugger for the next guy who has to take it apart again.

"Oh , and that would be you?

"Yep, that's why it's the last resort.

Then I asked him why this keeps happening and he went into technical stuff and my mind began hearing blah blah blah . And Then I said " is it something I'm doing wrong. Am I driving it wrong or anything? He said "Nah not at all Some of it has been caused by an old repair, obviously before you had it that wasn't fixed properly and has to be fixed over and over but this glue should take care of it.

"Okay how much?".....I'm sitting down at htis point.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

God I wish I had my car!!! I live about 5 KM from the beach . No houses just paddocks between our house and the sands. But I can hear the crashing of the waves from here. It would be a spectacular sight. There'll be no beach tomorrow and I wonder if they'll find fish in the paddocks? lol
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

tektrek;1331200 wrote: I totally agree Odie. When I was given the flick by my ex wife I had to start from scratch again (she got over 80% of everything as well as the house). I discovered that money isn't everything and I discovered that some of the best things in life are free and that money cannot buy them. So after 16 years I am now more worldly and the ex has ended up somewhat bitter and twisted after gold digging her way through numerous boyfriends and ending up with nothing and no one. Rather sad and pathetic but then some people can't be helped, only those with inner wisdom and beauty can be saved.
Do not assume that It always the poor husband who walks away with nothing and ends up starting all over again. Just as many women do the same.

At the age of 29 I left my ex husband. At the time we had a Victorian House near Brighton on the Sea Front. Just before leaving we had spent thousands renovating It from his Redundancy pay Off. I walked out with just my personal possessions, and my pets. I never asked him for a penny nor did I expect It. He remained In the house and when he met his new wife, she moved Into my ready made home. I on the other hand worked 14 hours a day, 7 days a week until 3 years later, through my efforts alone, I was able to buy another house In Worthing. When I left my husband, I had nothing and had to buy every Item for the home all over again, bedding, cookware, furnature...the lot. AND... get this... because he did not have my wages to help with the mortgage, I had X amount of money transfered from my wages to his account every week so the house would never be re-possessed. Even when he sold the house at profit 5 years later, I did not expect or ask for one penny.

I know other woman like myself so this stereo typing of women who screw their husbands for every penny Is crap.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

right on Oscar . It will probably take me ten years to be in a position to buy a house . It will most likely take my ex 3 or 4. Or even sooner . People forget that it is usually the husband who has the credit history and work history etc. Especially if the wife stayed home with the children. All this is taken into account when assets and finances are split. My husband only wants me to have 1/2 of the house . But his half is only for him my half is for three people. Isn't quite fair is it? Who, in the opinion of this board believes it's more important for the non custodial parent to buy a house over the custodial parent?
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Post by Odie »

When will your car be ready Megs?
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Hopefully by Monday But no time was actually given .
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Post by Betty Boop »

fuzzywuzzy;1331303 wrote: right on Oscar . It will probably take me ten years to be in a position to buy a house . It will most likely take my ex 3 or 4. Or even sooner . People forget that it is usually the husband who has the credit history and work history etc. Especially if the wife stayed home with the children. All this is taken into account when assets and finances are split. My husband only wants me to have 1/2 of the house . But his half is only for him my half is for three people. Isn't quite fair is it? Who, in the opinion of this board believes it's more important for the non custodial parent to buy a house over the custodial parent?

It's not important to me at all, as long as the custodial parent has a roof over the children's heads that's the important thing. I couldn't be bothered with fighting for the house, I even settled for 50% (custodial parents are actually entitled to 60% here) just because I wanted an end to it all. If I never buy a house again it won't worry me, it's just bricks and mortar at the end of the day. I've done bed and breakfast with the children, temporary accommodation and now live in a private rent that's not quite up to scratch, but the most important thing is I have the children with me most of the time and within a happy household, not one where they witness their mother living in fear of their father.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Betty Boop;1331326 wrote: It's not important to me at all, as long as the custodial parent has a roof over the children's heads that's the important thing. I couldn't be bothered with fighting for the house, I even settled for 50% (custodial parents are actually entitled to 60% here) just because I wanted an end to it all. If I never buy a house again it won't worry me, it's just bricks and mortar at the end of the day. I've done bed and breakfast with the children, temporary accommodation and now live in a private rent that's not quite up to scratch, but the most important thing is I have the children with me most of the time and within a happy household, not one where they witness their mother living in fear of their father.
So true and well said.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331323 wrote: Hopefully by Monday But no time was actually given .

I'm sorry Megs you don't have your car for the weekend, did you have any plans with the boys?
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Post by Odie »

Betty Boop;1331326 wrote: It's not important to me at all, as long as the custodial parent has a roof over the children's heads that's the important thing. I couldn't be bothered with fighting for the house, I even settled for 50% (custodial parents are actually entitled to 60% here) just because I wanted an end to it all. If I never buy a house again it won't worry me, it's just bricks and mortar at the end of the day. I've done bed and breakfast with the children, temporary accommodation and now live in a private rent that's not quite up to scratch, but the most important thing is I have the children with me most of the time and within a happy household, not one where they witness their mother living in fear of their father.

gosh Betty, you had it rough for awhile, I'm happy to hear everything turned out so well for you and your children.

and your right, its about the kids & you, who cares it one's place is not up to scratch?

living in fear of their spouse is no way to live.

There's a saying I like: I don't regret my past, I regret the time I've wasted on the wrong people.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Betty Boop;1331326 wrote: It's not important to me at all, as long as the custodial parent has a roof over the children's heads that's the important thing. I couldn't be bothered with fighting for the house, I even settled for 50% (custodial parents are actually entitled to 60% here) just because I wanted an end to it all. If I never buy a house again it won't worry me, it's just bricks and mortar at the end of the day. I've done bed and breakfast with the children, temporary accommodation and now live in a private rent that's not quite up to scratch, but the most important thing is I have the children with me most of the time and within a happy household, not one where they witness their mother living in fear of their father.

No betty, i said buy a house (like have the funds for such ) If there are the funds to do it then The kids should be looked after and that means the sod with all the money should look after his kids. Two years ago I didn't give a toss I was just glad to be away from him. Safe houses and misery was not the way to live my life. Two years ago I said goodbye to everyone here for awhile because that's where i was . a safe house. The house I'm in is a private rental too.

I'll tell everyone something though . I'm sick to death of hearing "you've got the kids and that's important" Of course it's important to me . But so is their stability and comfort and psychological state. Another words if i'm pulling my weight then the greedy selfish barstard who is not is going to pay for it. I've only ever asked for what hte law entitles me to ...nothing less nothing more ..and even that seems to be a problem. I won't be settling for 50% ....i have my boys to look after and I'm going to make sure they are in as much comfort as their father. When I faulted some time back it was my children who begged me not to go back.

Did I want an end to it all very quickly? Yes . Until I saw his arrogance of bringing his girlfriend to court and seeing what he wrote in his affidavit. Apparently I never contributed in any way to our lives over the last twenty years. Lets just say anyone who cares to listen is going to hear my responce to that. And I can't wait. The lies he wrote are not going over my head any longer ...... Everyone has been saying he's been lying to me for years and now I know. I now know what that thing thought of me for the last 20 years .....it's in writing .
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Odie;1331340 wrote: I'm sorry Megs you don't have your car for the weekend, did you have any plans with the boys?

Nope we're pretty much stuck here for the entire weekend . I'm not about to walk twenty km to the nearest shop :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Nah all's good I'm split wood and finished the vege garden off, it's now ready for planting . The pigs have had a clean out and the chook manure is stacked up . I've actually achieved a lot this weekend. and we're not even half way through it yet.

The clothing is sitting there waiting to be done but apart from that i might be able to figure out this scan thingy. (Who am I kidding? I can't afford to get someone in to see to my PC I'll have to work it out myself .)
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BTW Odie If anyone is watching this thread that I think should not be invading my life or privacy I'll make sure they know I'm feeling stalked, and spied upon.
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331364 wrote: Nope we're pretty much stuck here for the entire weekend . I'm not about to walk twenty km to the nearest shop :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Nah all's good I'm split wood and finished the vege garden off, it's now ready for planting . The pigs have had a clean out and the chook manure is stacked up . I've actually achieved a lot this weekend. and we're not even half way through it yet.

The clothing is sitting there waiting to be done but apart from that i might be able to figure out this scan thingy. (Who am I kidding? I can't afford to get someone in to see to my PC I'll have to work it out myself .)

Seems your keeping quite busy this weekend, and I had no idea you had pigs.


I know this is probably far-fetched, if you want to email me all your stuff, I can print it off here and send it to you or perhaps Tek has a printer?

fuzzywuzzy;1331366 wrote: BTW Odie If anyone is watching this thread that I think should not be invading my life or privacy I'll make sure they know I'm feeling stalked, and spied upon.

I wondered the same thing last week as you know, cyber-stalking is against the law.
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Post by tektrek »

fuzzywuzzy;1331364 wrote: Nope we're pretty much stuck here for the entire weekend . I'm not about to walk twenty km to the nearest shop :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Nah all's good I'm split wood and finished the vege garden off, it's now ready for planting . The pigs have had a clean out and the chook manure is stacked up . I've actually achieved a lot this weekend. and we're not even half way through it yet.

The clothing is sitting there waiting to be done but apart from that i might be able to figure out this scan thingy. (Who am I kidding? I can't afford to get someone in to see to my PC I'll have to work it out myself .)

Do you have any setup discs and PC cables for the scanner? If not supply us with brand and model number. I might be able to download the setup instructions (pdf) off the net and send them to you via email. Then I might be able to walk you through the setup in FB chat.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have the set up disc but no CD drive. I downloaded the printer thingy off the net but it's all gobbledegook to me. i was able to scan a paper but it printed it instead .....great I have a copying machine. I want to be able to scan onto the PC,
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Post by Odie »

I haven't heard from you here or on fb, I hope your okay and survived the flooding.:thinking:
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There's no flooding where we are it's down the highway
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1331692 wrote: There's no flooding where we are it's down the highway

I know as we chatted on fb earlier, yipppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

thank god!:-4
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Post by kazalala »

I hope this is helping you Fuzz:-4:-4


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Post by Odie »

-someone should write a book on him, 'Me, me and again me'.

I'm so terribly sorry he abused you, physcially and emotionally.

It was all for his own benefit, how sad a person he must be.

Of course being on the Police force helped, as no one would have believed you.

You didn't have to write this to set us straight, I already knew what he was like.

Hoping it felt good to get this off your chest.:-4
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

kazalala;1331917 wrote: I hope this is helping you Fuzz:-4:-4

It does Kaz. I need to get things straight in my mind. As opposed to what he has accused me of. If I don't it will go to the back of my mind and put into the "too hard" basket again and I'll forget it again. In the long run it will be okay but for now i have to keep reminding myself of HOW IT WAS instead of WHY DID I LEAVE MAYBE IT WASN"T THAT BAD. (no I don't know why I think that...counsellor reckons it's self preservation/battered wife syndrome stuff) The court thing and reading his affidavit has brought everything screaming back . I'll delete it all when it's all over .

Odie it's not for you guys it's for me. I'm moving most of this thread to my blog .
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Post by kazalala »

fuzzywuzzy;1332003 wrote: It does Kaz. I need to get things straight in my mind. As opposed to what he has accused me of. If I don't it will go to the back of my mind and put into the "too hard" basket again and I'll forget it again. In the long run it will be okay but for now i have to keep reminding myself of HOW IT WAS instead of WHY DID I LEAVE MAYBE IT WASN"T THAT BAD. (no I don't know why I think that...counsellor reckons it's self preservation/battered wife syndrome stuff) The court thing and reading his affidavit has brought everything screaming back . I'll delete it all when it's all over .

Odie it's not for you guys it's for me. I'm moving most of this thread to my blog .
good for you fuzz,, i understand,, do whatever you need to do to help yourself,, all the best of luck:-4


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Well now I"m scared . I just read through the whole play ...( I mentioned earlier that my child got a leading role in a production...I got (cause I have to take him there for rehearsals and such) a picket line workers role and a nurses role (extra role etc.) .....oh **** i have lines!!!! lots of them . i've been concertrating on my childs lines and helping him that I hadn't taken much notice of the rest of the play . OH dear . He pointed it out to me today . OH god!!!! Now I have to learn about Yorkshire accents. I'm not bad at accents ( i tend to lapse into them when I'm around the said accent) But this is different , this is in front of an audience!!! OH heck!!! I was supposed to be an extra!!! oh crap
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Post by kazalala »

fuzzywuzzy;1332086 wrote: Well now I"m scared . I just read through the whole play ...( I mentioned earlier that my child got a leading role in a production...I got (cause I have to take him there for rehearsals and such) a picket line workers role and a nurses role (extra role etc.) .....oh **** i have lines!!!! lots of them . i've been concertrating on my childs lines and helping him that I hadn't taken much notice of the rest of the play . OH dear . He pointed it out to me today . OH god!!!! Now I have to learn about Yorkshire accents. I'm not bad at accents ( i tend to lapse into them when I'm around the said accent) But this is different , this is in front of an audience!!! OH heck!!! I was supposed to be an extra!!! oh crap
:wah::wah: have fun with it ,,, its a good distraction:D


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Post by tektrek »

fuzzywuzzy;1332086 wrote: Well now I"m scared . I just read through the whole play ...( I mentioned earlier that my child got a leading role in a production...I got (cause I have to take him there for rehearsals and such) a picket line workers role and a nurses role (extra role etc.) .....oh **** i have lines!!!! lots of them . i've been concertrating on my childs lines and helping him that I hadn't taken much notice of the rest of the play . OH dear . He pointed it out to me today . OH god!!!! Now I have to learn about Yorkshire accents. I'm not bad at accents ( i tend to lapse into them when I'm around the said accent) But this is different , this is in front of an audience!!! OH heck!!! I was supposed to be an extra!!! oh crap

From one thespian to another ....................... "break a leg". :yh_worshp
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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1332086 wrote: Well now I"m scared . I just read through the whole play ...( I mentioned earlier that my child got a leading role in a production...I got (cause I have to take him there for rehearsals and such) a picket line workers role and a nurses role (extra role etc.) .....oh **** i have lines!!!! lots of them . i've been concertrating on my childs lines and helping him that I hadn't taken much notice of the rest of the play . OH dear . He pointed it out to me today . OH god!!!! Now I have to learn about Yorkshire accents. I'm not bad at accents ( i tend to lapse into them when I'm around the said accent) But this is different , this is in front of an audience!!! OH heck!!! I was supposed to be an extra!!! oh crap

just add a e!

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Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1332003 wrote:

Odie it's not for you guys it's for me. I'm moving most of this thread to my blog .

I think its a good idea........just in case.:yh_wink
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Well .I'm beginning to think this is all worth it . All the effort I put into my marriage is now being put into my boys . He loses out now.

My fifteen year old just won Best and fairest. 97 votes.

He was in the paper this week for his full bore shooting comp. He got the highest score

He is in the New Zealand fishing and rec magazine for his efforts when he went over there for his shoot . (he's international now LOL LOL)

Keehan is going from strength to strength with his thespian endeavours, and will soon begin Karate, with me.

My eldest son? I really don't give a toss anymore. If I'm to get on with things I have to let him go to pursue his own life endevours and beliefs....can't win them all I suppose. He's an adult and can believe and do as he pleases. It's just sad to see others currupt his mind.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1332435 wrote: Well .I'm beginning to think this is all worth it . All the effort I put into my marriage is now being put into my boys . He loses out now.

My fifteen year old just won Best and fairest. 97 votes.

He was in the paper this week for his full bore shooting comp. He got the highest score

He is in the New Zealand fishing and rec magazine for his efforts when he went over there for his shoot . (he's international now LOL LOL)

Keehan is going from strength to strength with his thespian endeavours, and will soon begin Karate, with me.

My eldest son? I really don't give a toss anymore. If I'm to get on with things I have to let him go to pursue his own life endevours and beliefs....can't win them all I suppose. He's an adult and can believe and do as he pleases. It's just sad to see others currupt his mind.

congrats to Reese, quite an accomplisment!:guitarist

Can you post me a pic of him from the newspaper or magazine?

Karate for yourself and Keehan will help you both in so many ways!

my eldest was the same, then he grew up.....sort of.......
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Reecs was the runner up ...My boy is Brett you ding bat:yh_rotfl
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1332438 wrote: Reecs was the runner up ...My boy is Brett you ding bat:yh_rotfl

opps....sorry Megan, I'm on 3 hours sleep, yes I know its Brett you ding bat!:yh_rotfl

now again.....can you post a pic of him from the newspaper or magazine?:sneaky:

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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Betty Boop »

Odie;1332442 wrote: opps....sorry Megan, I'm on 3 hours sleep, yes I know its Brett you ding bat!:yh_rotfl

now again.....can you post a pic of him from the newspaper or magazine?:sneaky:

Fuzzy, I sincerely hope you don't, given all that's going on it's a silly thing to do. Makes you far to easily identifiable on the net!
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

:yh_rotflBetty Boop;1332450 wrote: Fuzzy, I sincerely hope you don't, given all that's going on it's a silly thing to do. Makes you far to easily identifiable on the net!

Your right Betty, I never even thought of that.

The amount of people that have pics of their children on facebook on their profile page is astongishing.

Even though hopefully only their freinds can see it, you just never know.

and fuzzy doesn't need any more hassles.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I wasn't going to anyway . I'll put some up when it's all over . I believe he'll have pics of his armycadet recruit camp by then as well.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Odie »

fuzzywuzzy;1332513 wrote: I wasn't going to anyway . I'll put some up when it's all over . I believe he'll have pics of his armycadet recruit camp by then as well.

Life is just to short for drama.
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Oscar Namechange
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by Oscar Namechange »

fuzzywuzzy;1332513 wrote: I wasn't going to anyway . I'll put some up when it's all over . I believe he'll have pics of his armycadet recruit camp by then as well.
Fuzzy... I know you may not be able to think this way right now but there will be a day when this will all be over and you will be free of angst and worry.

Been there... done It.... And this song still means a lot to me:

YouTube - Madonna - Oh Father (Video)
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Connection .....is .........so ...........slow ...............at ...........the ......mo......ment...........very.............frustrat.................ing...............Is ........the ........little.........man..................bang...........ing..............his ......head......really .........slowly .......too?........... :-5

See It's not country people that are slow it's our internet. i've been waiting for eminen's video to load for over 30 bloody minutes.!!!!!!!!!
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

oscar;1332537 wrote: Fuzzy... I know you may not be able to think this way right now but there will be a day when this will all be over and you will be free of angst and worry.

Been there... done It.... And this song still means a lot to me:

YouTube - Madonna - Oh Father (Video)

akes too bloody long tonight ....you know if it wasn't for my overseas friends I'd ditch the internet ...God I'm a technophobe!!! )

I do have that song on a CDE though . I'll be singing 'you don't bring me flowers' in the pub tommorow. . If I could get someone to sing that male part in the rhianna eminem song I'd do that as well.
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Ahhh ya just gotta laugh about some things.

Post by G#Gill »

fuzzywuzzy;1332591 wrote: Connection .....is .........so ...........slow ...............at ...........the ......mo......ment...........very.............frustrat.................ing...............Is ........the ........little.........man..................bang...........ing..............his ......head......really .........slowly .......too?........... :-5

See It's not country people that are slow it's our internet. i've been waiting for eminen's video to load for over 30 bloody minutes.!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Fuzzy, have you 'defragged' lately? or done a disc clean? Also, if you've got a lot of muck clogging your PC fan, that can have a slowing affect and make the PC too warm, which would eventually shut down the PC to protect it, till everything has cooled off. Maybe. also, you have a lot of stored stuff which is taking up memory and causing your PC to run slower. Music can take up a lot of memory. But I expect you've checked all this !:-3:)
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